Planning your own Funeral
At Farewells, something we find ourselves saying time and time again is ‘the best funerals are the ones people have planned themselves’.
This is sometimes when people know they are dying and bravely pick up the phone to tell us their wishes. Others want to organise everything whilst death still seems far away.
Whatever the circumstances, most people plan a joyful celebration of their life and find the experience to be cathartic and even enjoyable.
Why plan your own funeral?
To take the pressure off those responsible for arranging your funeral after you die. Not having to make difficult and emotional decisions helps friends and family focus on their grief and avoids any potential difference in opinions.
The service will be extremely personal – it’s moving to know that the flowers, music, or food was chosen by the person guests are there to celebrate.
Talking about funerals with your next of kin helps alleviate some of the fear surrounding death and gain a sense of control.
The most difficult and stressful time to plan a funeral is when you have just lost someone. It’s a huge act of compassion for the people left behind to have those decisions made already.
Talking openly about your funeral brings acceptance of your own mortality and helps you live your life better in the here and now.
Call us on 01765 824824 or email victoria@farewellsfunerals.co.uk